
Charlottenborg Art Talk + Cinema: Other Story

Kunsthal Charlottenborg
14. juni 2017, 17:00 - 20:00

Other Story præsenterer en aften med undersøgende dialog, live skype-samtaler og filmvisninger.

Denne aften på Kunsthal Charlottenborg vil der blive vist film fra Other Storys første filmserie Young Refugee. Via naive og menneskeligt basale spørgsmål fra filmskabernes side skildres en række unge mennesker på flugt gennem tanker om kærlighed, drømme, frygt og visioner midt i Europas store flygtningekrise. Filmene udfordrer den gængse medieform og undersøger samtidig, hvilke almenmenneskelige fortællinger, der gemmer sig bag kategorien ’flygtning’.

Udover filmvisningerne vil der blive foretaget et live skype-opkald med hovedpersonerne i én af filmene, Jan Youssef, en ung kurdisk mand, samt med en ung dansk fo...rsker, Emilie Mortensen, som er bosat i Jordan i ét af de såkaldte ”nærområder”. Indimellem filmvisninger og skype-opkald vil der blive indflettet forskellige dialogsessioner modereret af filosof Ole Fogh Kirkeby. Samtalerne vil aktivere nogle af de tematikker, filmene åbner op for. Alt sammen i tråd med Charlottenborgs aktuelle udstillinger.

Da der er internationale talere til stede, vil aftenen foregå både på dansk og engelsk, dog overvejende på dansk.

Læs mere om Other Story og aftenens arrangement:


Other Story presents an evening of exploratory dialogue, live skype conversations and film screenings.

This evening at Kunsthal Charlottenborg there will be shown films from Other Story's first film series "Young Refugee". Through naive and basic questions from the filmmakers, a number of young people are portrayed through thoughts on love, dreams, fears and visions in the midst of Europe's major refugee crisis. The films challenge the current media form and at the same time investigate what human stories are hidden behind the 'refugee' category.

In addition to the film screenings, a live skype call will be made with the main characters in one of the films, Jan Youssef, a young Kurdish man, and a young Danish researcher, Emilie Mortensen, who lives in Jordan in one of the so-called "neighborhoods". Between film screenings and skype calls, various dialogue sessions are being moderated by philosopher Ole Fogh Kirkeby. The conversations will activate some of the themes the films open up to. All in line with Charlottenborg's current exhibitions.

Since there are international speakers present, the evening will take place both in Danish and English, but mostly in Danish.

Other Story is a documentary project that unfolds in the intersection of journalism, activism, art and research. The first series of Other Story short films emerged as a response to the media's uncovered coverage of the refugee situation in 2015/16, based on the devis, what happens when a camera moves into a collective crisis? Other Story is today a media community consisting of young people with different academic backgrounds from, among others, Sociology, art, journalism, film and research. Other Story uses a different dissemination approach than the usual media through a particular focus on the individual and the personal narrative.

Read more about Other Story and the evening event: