
Application deadlines for practice-based research

Deadlines for PhD and Postdoc projects

The Institute for Research and Interdisciplinary Studies supports practice-based research within the fields of art and curating. Funding for PhD and postdoc projects comes from separate funding bodies. There are currently two funding bodies that support practice-based research within the fields of art and curating. One is Novo Nordisk Foundation with application deadline end of January and the other is The Danish Research Council with application deadline end of April. We kindly refer you to the webpages of these two funding bodies for further information about requirements, deadlines, formalities etc. All applicants have to make a hosting agreement and an approved budget from Institute for Research and Interdisciplinary Studies. The deadline for that will most likely be one month prior to the deadline of the funding body. We recommend applicants to start the application process well in advance.

Successful applicants will carry out their PhD and postdoc studies as staff with the Institute for Research and Interdisciplinary Studies. The PhD degree will be awarded by a grant giving institution, until now the University of Copenhagen, Department of Art and Cultural Studies. This means that in order to receive this grant, applicants must be eligible for enrolling at a grant giving institution. Applicants must also comply with the guidelines for PhD studies as stated in Statutory Order no. 1037 of 27 August on the PhD Programme at the Universities and Certain Higher Artistic Educational Institutions (“Bekendtgørelse nr. 1037 af 27. august 2013 om Ph.d.-uddannelsen ved universiteterne og visse kunstneriske uddannelsesinstitutioner”) (the PhD Order in Danish).

For further information, please contact head of research Sidsel Nelund ( ).