

  1. News about admission 2017

    ... is news about the BFA and MFA admission 2017 Read more about the admission to BFA here and the admission to MFA here .  ... number of guest teachers are connected to the BFA Read more about the BFA here News concerning interdisciplinary teaching ...

  2. ‘Not Only’ A Symposium on Artistic Research

    ... as complex quantities that always contain something more. This “more” will be unfolded through presentations of current and completed ... to blur boundaries of knowledge systems and disciplines. More over we are full of various types of knowing modes and knowledge forms but ...

  3. The art academy collections: learning from objects

    ... registration is required. Register  here   For more information contact the organiser: Mads Kullberg, Project ...

  4. The historic settings

    ... were shown here, and for quite a while the premises acted more as a museum than as a sculptor’s workshop. To read more about Thorvaldsen’s home, visit ...

  5. An Art Academy is Born

    ... academy was officially founded. To confuse matters even more, the academy’s charter was not available in print until 1 July, but even ... Headed by Jacques-Francois-Joseph Saly, the academy became more of a school for craftsmen than for the artes liberales. Promoting ...

  6. The Laboratory for Art Research

    ... our research-based Open Practice and writing courses (more below) that aim to further the investigative and verbal part of art ... writing, where essays take shape within the spectrum of more traditional academic essays to performatively written essays. During this ...

  7. Proposal for centralised national art education will weaken core fields of professional expertise

    ... regarded as a single sector of education that would become more efficient and achieve a number of economies of scale by being centralised. ... Act), the sums allocated to the total field of music are more than five times greater than the funds set aside for the Schools of Visual ...

  8. Opening: "Signs & Wonders" and "William Forsythe – In the Company of Others"

    ... BAR * * DISH OF THE DAY *  * DJ ESBEN WEILE KJ Read more about the exhibition  Signs & Wonders,  Michael Stevenson, her e Read more about the exhibition  William Forsythe -   In the Company of Others ...

  9. Why Words Now / Mitch Speed: The Pitch Writer – a story about love, work, and terror

    ... to pitch. In fact, writing sometimes seems like nothing more than pitching. Over and over you send ideas off, hoping for a response. ... of Fine Arts, on Tuesday, November 10, at 6pm. or online - more info will follow later this week. The event is free. However, ...

  10. Academic and artistic research

    ... Arts. If you click on the left image below, you can read more about the research terms Artistic research and Academic research. Via the right image, you can learn more about research funding and application procedures. ...
