
The Beautiful Disaster

På invitation fra AICA Danmark gæster den anerkendte kunstkritiker, Marek Bartelik, København. Bartelik er præsident for AICA International og taler om aktuelle udfordringer for kunstkritisk praksis.   

Tirsdag den 29. november 2016 kl. 16-18 taler Bartelik på Kunstakademiets Billedkunstskoler, Festsalen, Kongens Nytorv 1, under overskriften The Beautiful Disaster. Han introducerer sin forelæsning som følger: 
"On the transformation of the Laocoön from the ancient statue to the sculpture by Eva Hesse and beyond. This is a chapter from my forthcoming book Gentle rain: The Farewell to Art Criticism. I put Hesse’s work in the context of visual memory and evidence (as in Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas) and the traumatic experience of returning to her hometown, Hamburg; the hometown of Warburg as well. Part of the essay talks about the absence of Antiope, the wife of Laocoön, in canonical works dealing with the ancient myth."
Det er et åbent arrangement. Bartelik taler på engelsk. Der er fri entré. Mere her.
Fredag den 2. december 2016 kl. 14-16 taler Bartelik på Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, Karen Blixens Vej 1 (KUA) under overskriften Changing Paradigms of the Biennials in Asia. Han introducerer sin forelæsning som følger: 
"A lecture inspired by the recent biennials in South Korea (Gwangju) and Taiwan (Taipei). I will talk about the place of the Enlightenment ideology in the concept of the Biennial, and how it doesn’t fit well into the Asian context. The presentation will be6 followed by a discussion on the issues raised."
Det er et åbent arrangement. Bartelik taler på engelsk. Der er fri entré. Mere her