
Juliane Rebentisch: Distinction and Difference

Juliane Rebentisch
Distinction and Difference: Revisiting the Question of Taste

5. maj 2017 kl. 9:30-10:30
Kunstakadeamiets Festsal
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Juliane Rebentisch is Professor of Philosophy and Aesthetics at University of Art and Design, Offenbach am Main, Germany, and president of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetik. Her focus areas are aesthetics, ethics and political philosophy. Bibliography includes Ästhetik der Installation (2003), published in English as Aesthetics of Installation Art (2012), Theorien der Gegenwartskunst zur Einführung (2013, 2015), and Die Kunst der Freiheit. Zur Dialektik demokratischer Existenz (2012), which has recently been published in English as The Art of Freedom. On the Dialectics of Democratic Existence (2016).
Forelæsningen indgår i konferencen TASTE om smagsbegrebet i den filosofiske æstetik og dets relevans for nutidens æstetisering. Alle er velkomne!
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støttet af Det Frie Forskningsråd/Kultur og Kommunikation