
Eco-Feminism in Art

Charlottenborg Art Talk med Donatella Bernardi

Kunsthallen Charlottenborg
23.11.2016 17:00-19:00

Entré: Gratis

In her talk Donatella Bernardi will discuss current eco-feminist thought and how it is reflected in contemporary artistic practice. The term eco-feminism was coined in 1974 by French feminist Françoise d’Eaubonne to bring attention to women’s potential in creating an ecological revolution. According to eco-feminists questions of class, race and gender as well as the rights of trees, water and animals are all feminist issues because they delineate the interconnections between the domination of women and other subordinate groups of humans as well as the domination of non-human nature. Countering the human-centered logic of Western thought Donna Haraway suggests that we consider nature as an active subject, which creates a different kind of relationship between the human and the non-human world. This relation to the non-human world could then be conceived of as an interaction with a “coding trickster with whom we must learn to converse.” Bernardi will discuss the potential of acknowledging Haraway’s ideas and how they allow for other kinds of actions and perspectives to be imagined and produced.

Donatella Bernardi is a multidisciplinary artist working with installations, films, publications and curating. Her interests cover issues of power, epistemology, gender, post-colonialism, racial injustice and capitalism. Bernardi is currently Professor at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm and will begin a new position as Head of the MA in Fine Arts programme at Zürich University of Art in January 2017.