
Novo Nordisk Fonden ph.d.- og postdoc-stipendier

Novo Nordisk Fonden har netop åbnet for modtagelse af ansøgninger til Mads Øvlisen ph.d.- og postdoc-stipendier i kunsthistororisk og praksisbaseret forskning

Novo Nordisk Fonden ønsker med ph.d.-stipendierne at give talentfulde kandidater mulighed for at forfølge en forskerkarriere inden for kunsthistorisk og praksisbaseret forskning og dermed støtte, at felterne udvikler sig til højeste niveau i Danmark.
Novo Nordisk Fonden ønsker endvidere med postdoc-stipendierne at give talentfulde forskere mulighed for, som led i deres forskerkarriere, at gennemføre forskningsprojekter af høj kvalitet og derigennem yde et væsentligt bidrag til den kunsthistoriske og kunstneriske forskning i Danmark.

Følgende en vejledning til ansøgere, som ønsker at søge praksisbaserede ph.d.-stipendier huset af Kunstakademiets Billedkunstskoler

Supplementary Information to Applicants who Intend to Apply for Practice-based Research PhD Scholarships Hosted at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. Schools of Visual Art

Prequalification round at the Schools of Visual Art

On January 1 (at the very latest) you should send maximum 1 page of project description on both part 1) and 2) according to Novo Nordisk Fonden’s “information and guidelines for applicants” together with a rough time plane, curriculum vitae and your official education documents to 

You may indicate planned/preferred supervisor(s) in the timetable, but this is not mandatory.
Most applicants hosted at the School of Visual Arts apply with enrollment at the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies (IKK) at University of Copenhagen. After the deadline we will decide on a handful (3-7) projects we will agree to host and forward the documents from these applications to IKK in order to obtain a commitment for enrollment at their PhD School. You do therefor not need to contact them yourself.
If you intend to apply through any other institution than IKK, you have to contact the institution you have in mind and follow the procedures they have with regards to committing to enrollment as well as our procedure.  
All applicants will get notice from us on hosting immediately after January 4. Those we agree to host should then continue with a full application according to the guidelines given in the announcement from Novo Nordisk Fonden. Note, the application for agreed hosting is much more informal than the final application to Novo Nordisk Fonden.
For you who receive a hosting agreement, from Schools of Visual Art and a commitment for enrollment at Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, this is then included in your subsequent full application to Novo Nordisk Fonden. The Schools of Visual Art will be aiding you in calculating your salary. 

For the full application, see 



Mads Øvlisen ph.d.-stipendier

Novo Nordisk Fonden inviterer med dette opslag til indsendelse af ansøgninger til ph.d.-stipendier inden for kunsthistorisk og praksisbaseret forskning. 


Mads Øvlisen postdoc.-stipendier

For at komme i betragtning til et stipendium, skal ansøger have erhvervet en ph.d.-grad eller lignende kvalifikationer (f.eks. magisterkonferens suppleret med senere forskning eller anden tilsvarende forskningsaktivitet). 
