June 1, ARKEN Museum of Modern Art
10:00 Welcome & Introduction
The Art Museum in a Fragile Ecology
Gry Hedin, Curator, ARKEN
Rewilding the Museum
Dehlia Hannah, Postdoc, ARKEN/
Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
11:00 Break
11:15 On Making Curation a Rewilding Practice
Ameli M. Klein–Collective Rewilding
The Bureau for Improvised Governance
The Forest Curriculum: Abhijan Toto &
Pujita Guha, UCSB
12:15 Lunch & Gallery tour
14:00 Porous Cube, Ruse Art Gallery, Bulgaria
Theresa Himmer
Bauspielplatz Kunst Kammer
Marc Allen Herbst, Goldsmiths
15:00 Coffee & cake
15:15 Chasing Flames: Entraining Embodiment and Kinship with Fire
Aadita Chadhury, York University
Interview with Nils Hellstrom
Jacob Lillemose,
16:30 Roundtable: Museums and Crisis
17:30 Beach walk
-- -- -- -- --
June 2, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Festsalen
10:00 Welcome
Maibritt Borgen
Head, Laboratory for Arts Research
10:15 Sovereign, Benandsebastian
Rewilding: Ecology in Practice, TBA
11:15 Coffee
11:30 Soil Spheres: Art Transposing the Turf of
the Earth into Exhibition Spaces
Nora Vaage, Nord University
Devastation and Institutional Change
Aslak Aamot Kjærulff, Diakron
12:30 Lunch
13:30 El Pensamiento de las Plantas,
Paul Rosero Contreras, San Francisco de Quito University
Salvage climate science in the Andean Anthropocene
Gustavo Valdivia, Johns Hopkins University
14:30 Break
14:45 --ONLINE—
Synthetic Forever:
White Suits, Fatbergs, and the Breathing Museum
Kirsty Robertson, Western University
Sketching out Planetary Stewardship
Mateo Chacón Pino, Universität Kassel
15:45 Break
16:00 Roundtable:
Arts Research and Crisis
17.00 Closing Reception
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